New Venture Competition
Since its beginning in 1999, the UCSB New Venture Competition (NVC) provides a unique opportunity for UCSB students to learn how to start a business. The NVC is an eight-month educational experience, with activities and curriculum spanning the entire academic year. Learn more!
Economic Development Collaborative
A private nonprofit, the Economic Development Collaborative was founded in 1996 with funding from the County of Ventura, the 10 cities in the county and key private-sector companies to provide a pathway to business growth, economic prosperity and high quality of life for all.
Today, in partnership with the Small Business Development Center, the EDC is a regional asset for economic vitality in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties, giving businesses, community partners and civic leaders the resources they need to succeed. By leveraging public and private funds, the EDC has become a key player in delivering business consulting, funding and strategic initiatives that support the region.
CNSI Technology Incubator Laboratory bench space and office space available for lease and a rapid prototyping/maker’s space. Lease includes access to all CNSI-managed shared research shared facilities at the academic, internal use rate. Learn More!

CNSI Innovation Workshop. A maker-space and rapid-prototyping facility. Tools include 3D printers, a laser cutter, and a CNC router – all with easy to learn user interfaces – as well as hand tools for mechanical, electronics, and plumbing assembly. The Innovation Workshop is open to on campus researchers, students, and companies. Learn More!

Wilcox New Venture Incubator: Located on the ground floor of UCSB’s Mosher Alumni House, the Wilcox New Venture Incubator is the result of a collaboration between the Technology Management Program (TMP) and Alumni Affairs. The Garage will provide incubation for UCSB start-ups for up to one year and be the home of the G2 Summer Launchpad program. Learn More!